The Design and Manufacture stages for the custody suite facilities for Bedfordshire Police at Woburn Road, Bedford, which led to PCE Ltd’s 10 day on-site build programme to assemble the 22 holding cells in 3 wings along with associated spaces within the charge area, working with Main Contractor Willmott Dixon, once again proved the efficiency of the PCE HybriDfMA Secure Custody System approach.
Developed and refined over many years to maximise the many benefits of offsite manufacturing and onsite assembly efficiency the all-important police cells of the Secure Custody System are based on Design for Manufacture and Assembly, (DfMA), principals using a common ‘kit of parts’ of components.
State of the art digital design processes have been standardised for every PCE Custody Suite project thus ensuring for example that all temporary works risks are fully evaluated so that actions that can be taken offsite prior to delivery, such as the fixing of temporary hole covers, and handrail connections, etc, are achieved to negate such works on site thus improving the construction efficiency.