The final precast concrete unit has been installed by PCE Ltd’s multi-skilled site team at Regal London’s 14 storey aparthotel at Commercial Road in London.
From the commencement of design, structural completion has been achieved in just 12 months, with the on-site construction element being completed in a mere 17 crane weeks. Extensive pre-planning of sequence and off-site works of the HybriDfMA delivery process made this possible.
Craig Billyeald PCE’s Senior Project Manager commented:
“The complete PCE’s team’s, inclusive of our supply chain partners commitment, drive, enthusiasm and teamwork, along with their continued focus on Quality, Innovation and Value as well as inherent understanding of the importance of the project to both PCE and partners Regal London, has made the project the success it is."
"PCE’s hyTower® system approach has enabled the HybriDfMA structure to be completed safely involving over 9,500 on site man hours accident and incident free, thus proving once again the company’s very high safety standards."