Paradise update 12 - suspended car park level takes shape

Precast concrete columns, beams, walls and prestressed hollowcore flooring

PCE Ltd are delivering the Hybrid structures on Birmingham’s 17 acre Paradise redevelopment project on a design and build basis.

The suspended car park shown (above) is positioned below a podium level that will form the ground floor of two new office buildings, namely Number 1 and Number 2, Chamberlain Square. The upper level deck structure will also provide the surrounding public realm areas around the buildings linking into the existing landscaping of Chamberlain Square and forming a link between the Square and Broad Street.


Structural Hybrid frame solution

Precast concrete columns, beams, walls, prestressed hollowcore flooring and steel Deltabeam units provide the structural Hybrid frame solution with insitu concrete being used where necessary to facilitate structural connections.


The Birmingham City Centre Enterprise Zone website states that:

"The redevelopment at Paradise Circus will deliver over £500 million of investment creating a new high quality business district."


Paradise Birmingham reveals the scope and vision of the project:

"Paradise is to be transformed into a vibrant mixed use development of commercial, civic, retail, leisure and hotel space, providing major improvements to pedestrian access and greatly enhanced public realm befitting this exemplary historic setting.

"Paradise will be one of the biggest development schemes Birmingham has seen for a generation and will dramatically transform this whole area of the city."
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