Dakota Hotel 12 – Hybrid frame construction complete

Hotel superstructure design and build in Manchester

PCE Ltd has completed the offsite manufactured Hybrid solution within the contract period, delivering certainty for client GMI Construction.

PCE's offsite engineered Hybrid frame included a brick faced sandwich panel façade for the new five star Dakota Boutique Hotel, located in Piccadilly Basin, Manchester.  PCE was responsible for the Design and Build of the hotel superstructure, using their HybriDfma approach which offered a high-quality solution from design conception, through manufacture and construction on site, ensuring the best choice of structural material being used for the structural and aesthetic requirements necessary.


PreFastCore stability

Structural stability is provided to both the lower steel frame and upper concrete construction by PCE’s PreFastCore system. The complex offsite engineered project has been delivered by PCE within their agreed contractual programme. PCE’s Construction Director Karl Hubbard commented:

“The whole PCE team involved with the project have been outstanding from start to finish and have consistently driven the project forward through all the aspects of Design, Manufacture and Construction.  Team PCE have delivered certainty to client GMI Construction, and their feedback towards PCE has been very positive.”


Dakota Hotel Manchester is the newest addition to the Dakota brand, a chain of five star boutique hotels located across the UK. 


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