Level 2 offsite manufactured precast concrete elements and the first auditorium steel staircase have recently been erected at the new Kingston University Town House project near London.
The images above show how PCE Ltd are currently erecting vertical elements on level 2 and beams on level 3. The first of the steel atrium stairs are also now in place. Concrete topping on level 1 is now complete: level 3 floors will be completed in less than a fortnight.
Casting of the precast units commenced 6 months ago; construction of the hybrid structural frame using two tower cranes began just 4 months ago. The on site period will consist of just 40 weeks for PCE. The majority of the suspended flooring is formed from 229 Double Tees weighing up to 18 tonnes with over 1,300 m² of Hollowcore flooring up to 500mm deep also being used. Other precast unit quantities include 275 columns, 318 beams, 50 solid walls and 52 stair/lift core boxes.