Leeds University update 2 - below ground elements require only 12 weeks and 10 people

The HybriDfMA advantage

PCE’s HybriDfMA frame solution has started on site within the basement at BAM Construction's ICEPS Integrated Campus for Engineering and Physical Sciences project for the University of Leeds.

The composite precast and insitu concrete wall will form the watertight inner lining of the basement box, which has been formed by a contiguous piled outer wall. The basement will be where most of the new laboratory buildings specialist equipment will be housed, thus the need for watertight construction. 


Offsite engineering

The precast wall components will provide a robust, fair faced lining to the basement and will also provide support for the suspended ground floor slab and perimeter columns which are all part of PCE’s HybriDfMA Offsite engineered structural solution for the new 15,700m² total floor area state of the art teaching and research facility. All of the precast concrete components for the basement and ground floor construction have been designed so that they can be erected around the complex basement struts which will remain in place until the liner wall and ground floor is constructed and structurally tied to the piled wall. This critical first phase of construction will see the below ground superstructure works completed in just 12 weeks with, on average, a workforce of only 10 people.
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